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Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists and other Hands-On Healthcare Professionals are an essential health and wellness resource for individuals of all ages. We partner closely with these professionals on helping people perform better and move ‘pain-free’.
Our topical pain relief products were specifically formulated with these hands-on healthcare professionals (and their patients) in mind. Our fast-acting formulation with penetration enhancers plus 10% menthol, MSM, Glucosamine is like no other. Embracing hands-on healthcare professionals and topical pain relief solutions like Stopain® Clinical provides patients and their families with the ultimate wellness solution.
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There are occasions when honest mistakes and oversights are made that can lead to financial losses for the office. Money that is coming in from patients or insurance payments throughout the day may get misplaced during busy patient hours. You may also have a small amount of petty cash available or a cash till—used to make change—that needs to be safeguarded. Some offices sell products like supplements or cold packs that are on display, those also need to be tracked. Without checks and balances in place, a practice is at risk for mistakes, missing money, and out of balance accounts. Here are several procedures you can put into effect to protect your office:
End-of-Day Balancing: One of the most important procedures you can use to keep your financial system running smoothly is to balance your money, your charges, and your paperwork each night or at the end of each shift. It might be helpful to complete a trial balance during your midday break to see if everything matches. Your procedure might look something like this:
If any of these do not balance, you must go back and find out why.
Create an End-of-Day Packet: All of the items that were used to perform the daily balance are then put together in a packet and archived, by date, in case there are any future questions. Some offices prefer to scan the following items and store the information electronically rather than accumulate stacks of paper. Consider HIPAA-compliant online storage or store them on a HIPAA secure server in the practice. File by year and month and use the date the information is stored for the name of the file (e.g., 2021-05-12). That file is then stored in May 2021, and that file within 2021.
Some items that may be retained in the end-of-day packet include:
Use the Buddy System: Chiropractic offices come in all sizes, and it is sometimes hard to assign two people to the same task. However, no matter how busy the office is, two people should always count money and inventory to ensure that the totals are accurate. Create a policy for employees who can use the company credit card or write checks and set a limit on each transaction. If a refund needs to be issued to a patient, make sure that a second person reviews the account and authorizes the payment to the patient. If something seems irregular, report it to the person in your office (e.g., a manager or compliance officer) who can help take steps to correct the problem.
These checks and balances are used in industries worldwide, including everything from finance to fast food. Creating these policies is about preventing errors in the first place so you don’t have to consider that any of your staff may have taken improper actions. Risk management issues arise when the provider doesn’t know what’s going on. Financial errors can be devastating to an office if they go unnoticed for months or years. Being proactive helps the office run more effectively and efficiently.
Rebecca Scott is a Certified Professional Coder who began her chiropractic career in 1989. She graduated in 2008 with an Associate Degree in Accounting and is a Licensed Clinical Chiropractic Assistant in the state of Maine. She’s a member of the Lewiston Chapter of the American Association of Professional Coders (AAPC) and is both a certified specialist working in curriculum development and an individual client consultant for KMC University. She or any of her teammates can be reached at kmcuniversity.com, info@kmcuniversity.com or by calling 855-832-6562.